What Does the Bible Say About Meditation?

There are so many images, questions, and assumptions that come to mind when we discuss meditation. The word alone conjures images from Yoda in Star Wars to Eastern religion symbols, a Bible believer to a flower-power hippy, and for me, images of the wise turtle Master Oogway from Kung Fu Panda. Before God initiated my discovery of Christ-centered meditation, I thought it was for people in Eastern religions and yoga instructors. If I did hear Christians mention meditation, it was usually stated as "prayer and meditation", absent of any distinct characteristics or definition. 

But I discovered meditation DOES have it's own unique characteristics. I found that it has a history both in scripture and in Christian tradition, and many of us are interested in reclaiming this lost art of meditation. So as that Phillip Phillips' song goes..."Hold on to me as we go, as we roll down this unfamiliar road".


A word study on meditation reveals the following: 


What can we meditate on?

  • God's law - Psalm 1:2, Joshua 1:8

  • God Himself - Psalm 63

  • God's work and mighty deeds - Psalm 77:11-12

  • All that God has done and all the work of his hands - Psalm 143:5

  • How to answer someone - Proverbs 15:28

  • God's precepts - Psalm 119:15

  • God's statutes - Psalm 119:23

  • God's wondrous works - Psalm 119:27

  • God's promises - Psalm 119:148

When can we meditate?

  • Day and night - Psalm 1:2, Joshua 1:8

  • In the watches of the night - Psalm 63:6

  • All day long - Psalm 38:12

  • In the evening - Gen 24:63

  • In the midst of people plotting against you - Psalm 119:23

  • Before the watches of the night - Psalm 119:148

Where can we meditate?

  • On our bed - Psalm 63:6

  • Out in the field - Gen 24:63

How can we meditate?

  • In your heart - Psalm 77

  • Fix your eyes on His ways - Psalm 119:15

  • In your heart, upon your bed, and be still - Psalm 4:4 

Why meditate?

  • Meditation may be pleasing to him - Psalm 104:34

  • Because someone delights in the law of the Lord - Psalm 1:2

  • Because God has been their help - Psalm 63:6

  • When God helps someone understand the way of his precepts, then He will meditate - Psalm 119:27

  • When someone rejoices in the Lord - Psalm 104:34

Other action verbs mentioned regularly with meditation:

  • Remember

  • Ponder

  • Consider

  • Fix my eyes

  • Delight

  • Not forget

  • Think about

  • Set your mind on the things that are above (where Christ is, not on Earth) - Col 3:1-2

  • Set your mind of things of the Spirit - Rom 8:5

These scriptures set up our framework for understanding meditation. Scripture, or God's Law, is the foundation of our meditation practice. And because the whole of scripture points to Jesus, we understand that meditation is Christ-centered. 


Other scriptures have helped shape this journey in my life as well. 

  • Jesus described "one thing as necessary" and "better" than anxiously doing many things for God. That one thing was Mary sitting at the feet of Jesus and listening to His teaching. This is what is physically represented when we sit quietly before the Lord in meditation. David is described to have "sat quietly before the Lord" on multiple occasions. Luke 10:38-42, 2 Samuel 7:18, 1 Chronicles 17:16

  • Jesus warned against studying scripture to find eternal life yet simultaneously refusing to come to Him for that life. This tells me that spiritual activity without truly engaging Him is pointless, dangerous, and without life. John 5:39 

Just as we may raise our hands during a worship song, signifying that we are surrendered to God, so to, meditation is an outward action representing a spiritual choice:

  • To be purposeful about being still (cease striving) and trusting God with all my heart. Psalm 46:10

  • To think about His goodness and faithfulness, provides me peace in the middle of a chaos. Exodus 14:14, Psalm 23:5

  • To practice waiting for the Lord, and in so doing, renewing my strength, flying through the ups and downs of life, without growing weary (or as weary). Isaiah 40:31

  • To prioritize Him over all other people or situations. Psalm 62:1

  • To open my heart to hear instructions and leading from the Lord that often come in a small whisper. Numbers 9:8, Psalm 23:3, 1 Kings 19:12

  • To calm and quiet my soul, essentially pressing pause on the busyness of life. Psalm 131:1-3

  • To believe His unchanging, always-present love and power, conquers fear as it comes up. Psalm 23: 4, Exodus 14:13

  • To use my spiritual eyes to see the wondrous things He has done and will do in my life. Psalm 119:18 

  • To practice quietness and trust which God describes as our strength. Isaiah 30:15

One scripture in particular has established this practice of meditation firmly in my life. 


And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit. 2 Corinthians 3:18


This scripture describes our new-covenant access into the deepest levels of intimacy with our Creator. Through Christ, his life and sacrificial death, there is no barrier between God and me (or any believer). We now have unlimited access to His presence. Furthermore, beholding God's glory brings about TRUE TRANSFORMATION, providing a way for us to look more and more like Jesus while still here on Earth. For me, the importance of meditation lies in this scripture. We spend time authentically engaging God and beholding (seeing and contemplating) Him (his character, truth, promises, and works) and consequently a Spirit-initiated transformation takes places internally which leads to transformative true Christian living. Every Christian wants to live transformed, but not everyone is sure how to get there.


Christ-centered, scripture-based meditation is the antidote to self-reliant behavior modification! Meditation can look different for different people and the focus is never about regimenting posture, words, or music. But it should be considered as much more than just a take-it-or-leave-it supplemental spiritual activity. Meditation gives us undistracted time to SEE Him and His truths, leading us to BELIEVE deeply in our hearts as we experience it in our spiritual imaginations and consequently, to LIVE transformed by His Spirit. 



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